
Contact Info
Stephen C. Lougheed
Professor, Department of Biology & School of Environmental Studies
Director, Queen's University Biological Station
Baillie Family Chair in Conservation Biology
Department of Biology, Queen's University
Kingston, Ontario, Canada K7L 3N6


Postdoctoral Fellow


  • Dr. Bo-jian Chen Project: Establishing an integrated amphibian diversity monitoring toolset along the St. Lawrence River
  • BIO: Bo-jian completed his BSc in Pharmacy and Psychology at Wuhan University and Huazhong Normal University, respectively. He did his master’s in aquatic biology at Chongqing Normal University and graduated with a PhD in Ecology at Beijing Normal University in China. He is interested in understanding the physiological and behavioral strategies of animals (fish, turtles and rodents) to environmental stressors and interactions between native and invasive species. He is also interested in the impact of human activity and climate change on biodiversity in the aquatic ecosystem. His current research aims to integrate GIS, niche modeling and sedimentary environmental DNA to monitor species of concern and assess amphibian diversity.
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  • Co-supervised with Yu-xiang Wang, Brian Cumming and Jeff Ridal (River Institute)
  • Dr. Dilini Abeyrama. Project: Using eDNA to evaluate the distribution of aquatic species at risk and invasive species.
  • BIO: Dilini completed her BSc in Immunology and Integrative Molecular Biology at the University of Colombo, Sri Lanka in 2017. Then she did her PhD (2018-2023) at the University of Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada looking at the population genetics of Southern Ocean seabirds including albatrosses, shags and gentoo penguins. Her research interest is mainly focused on using advanced molecular tools in the conservation of biodiversity. For her current project at the Lougheed lab, she aims to develop new tools with environmental DNA to detect the distribution of species at risk and invasive species, especially in the aquatic ecosystem in Eastern Ontario.
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Graduate Students​

  • Arjun Augustine (M.Sc. starting 2022). Thesis focus: Genomics of island populations of northern watersnakes.
  • BIO: Arjun completed his BSc Hons in Biology in 2021 at Queen’s University. His undergraduate thesis with the Lougheed lab aimed to test for genetic divergence between an insular population of northern watersnakes that inhabits Main Duck Island and adjacent Yorkshire Island in eastern Lake Ontario, and northern watersnakes on the Canadian mainland. For his MSC with the Lougheed lab, this project will be expanded to include sampling sites in New York state and will add a second study organism, the more terrestrial eastern gartersnake, which is also present on the islands. Arjun is interested in the application of techniques in population genetics towards our understanding of wild populations and their conservation.
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  • Meg Britt (Ph.D. starting 2022). Thesis focus: Conservation genomics of massasauga rattlesnakes.
  • BIO: Meg received a B.Sc. (2013) from the University of Guelph before she transferred to Trent University where she received her B.Sc.H (2018) in Forensics and Biology. Her undergraduate thesis focused on using non-invasive samples to estimate the population parameters of an isolated mountain goat population in Alaska. Meg discovered a passion for herpetology through the completion of her M.Sc. with the Lougheed lab exploring the advertisement tactics of spring peepers. Her current research is focused on conservation genomics of the massasauga rattlesnake and non-invasive methods for monitoring their populations.
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  • Co-supervised with Jackie Litzgus (Laurentian) and in partnership with Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Canada.
  • Ying Chen (Ph.D. started 2019) Provisional thesis title: Phylogenomics, hybridization, and mtDNA capture in chorus frogs.
  • BIO: For my undergrad, I spent the first 2 years at Tongji University and then 2 more years at Queen’s University as a “2+2” program student in environmental science. I finished with dual B.Sc degrees from both universities. As a city girl from Shanghai, my great interest in biology was accidentally sparked by a trip to the Queen’s University Biological Station, which lead me to a research project on frog calling phenology in Dr. Lougheed’s lab in my 4th year. Sparked by my newfound passion for frogs from this, I continued into an M.Sc. evaluating male spring peeper’s breeding system, and am now doing a PhD on chorus frogs.
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  • Saskia de Wildt (Ph.D. in Environmental Studies. 2019). Project: Governance systems in polar bear management. Part of our Genome Canada funded project BearWatch.
  • BIO: Saskia de Wildt is a third-year Environmental Studies PhD Candidate and Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship recipient at Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Environmental Studies. They have a background as an art-director for Film and TV, and hold an MSc in International Development from the University of Amsterdam. They are interested in environmental justice, knowledge relating, arts-based research and decolonial practice.
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  • Co-supervised with Graham Whitelaw
  • See their website
  • Ginger Elliott (M.Sc. 2023). Thesis focus: Assisted reproductive technologies for threatened Canadian snakes.
  • BIO: Ginger completed her B.Sc. at the University of Guelph, where she worked in a conservation biology laboratory assisting graduate students. Following her B.Sc. she spent time working amongst ex situ biologists as a animal keeper and conservation research assistant to Dr. Amy Chabot where she began working with the Canadian Species Initiative. These experiences enthused her to pursue the development of existing technologies for use in the field of conservation biology. Collaborating with African Lion Safari, Scales Nature Park, & Little Ray’s Reptile Zoo she is now pursuing an M.Sc. focused on developing assisted reproductive technologies for use in ex situ management of threatened Canadian snake species.
  • email: or
  • Co-supervised with Dr. Amy Chabot (African Lion Safari)
  • Andrea Gómez Sánchez (Ph.D. 2022). Thesis focus: Modeling impacts of climate change on future distribution of polar bears and gray ratsnakes in Canada
  • BIO: Andrea completed her B.Sc and M.Sc in Biology and Biological Sciences, respectively, at Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolas de Hidalgo in Mexico. Her master’s focused on the functional diversity of birds in avocado orchards. Over the last three years, she has worked as a wildlife and environmental technician assessing environmental impact and performing environmental supervision for oil and tourism companies in the northwest and east of Mexico. Andrea is primarily interested in implementing genetic tools in the conservation of wildlife populations and understanding the consequences of climate change for biodiversity.
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  • Megan Hazell (Ph.D. started 2015. Part-time). Provisional thesis title: Spatial genomics and conservation of temperate snakes.
  • BIO: Megan did her B.Sc. at U Toronto including an undergrad thesis investigating the genetics and population structure of sympatric Deer Mouse populations in Mexico with Dr. Mark Engstrom. She completed her M.Sc. on the movement behavior and population dynamics of re-introduced Elk into Ontario with Dr. John Fryxell at U of Guelph. Megan currently works as a senior biologist at the Wood Group consulting firm largely focused undertaking long term monitoring programs for Species at Risk such as Woodland Caribou, Eastern Foxsnake and Butler’s Gartersnake. Internationally she has done Projects with the Wood Group, International Finance Corporation and the University of Toronto undertaking faunal biodiversity assessments in Central and South America. Her PhD project is focused on spatial genomics and conservation of temperate snakes.
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  • Madeleine Claire Robitaille (M.Sc Started January 2022). Provisional thesis title: Using environmental DNA to map the contact zone of Pseudacris maculata and Pseudacris triseriata in Southern Ontario
  • Bio: Madeleine completed her bachelor’s degree with an honours in biology and minors in biochemistry and English at Mount Allison University in New Brunswick. Her honours thesis focused on the ecological factors that affect the nutritional value of biofilm on an intertidal mudflat in the Bay of Fundy. For her master’s research, Madeleine is using environmental DNA to map the contact zone of two lineages of chorus frogs in Ontario. She has always loved nature and is interested in conservation and species at risk. Madeleine first became interested in biology as a young child when she would watch ants in the garden, in a game she called “watching ants in their natural habitat”.
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  • Stafford Maracle (Ph.D. started 2020). Provisional thesis title: Multi-marker eDNA metabarcoding of historical and contemporary fish populations.
  • Bio: Stafford completed his B.Sc. at Queens University, where he did an undergraduate thesis in environmental studies on The Effective Incorporation of Indigenous Knowledge into Biological Field Stations/Place-based Research Institutes. His current research focuses on aquatic and sedimentary environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding and Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) of fish populations to monitor spatial and temporal trends in in ecosystem health. His research works to advance current efforts in applying TEK to western scientific practices while promoting knowledge sharing with Indigenous communities.
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  • Alyssa Reynolds (M.Sc. started 2022). Provisional thesis title: Assessing the impacts of climate change on calling phenology of temperate amphibians.
  • Bio: Alyssa completed her B.Sc. with honours at Queen’s University with a major in Biology and a minor in Geology. She wrote an undergraduate thesis on the impacts of climate change on anuran spring calling phenology in eastern Ontario, using bioacoustics to remotely examine shifts in anuran behaviour through time. Alyssa’s interest in biology and conservation was sparked when she began to notice changes in animal behaviour in her own backyard in Ontario. She is passionate about answering the questions she had about nature growing up. Her M.Sc. research focuses on fine-tuning bioacoustics as a tool for estimating anuran call phenology and intensity.
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  • Victoria Tawa (Ph.D. 2024). Working thesis title: Spatial ecology and sociality of ratsnakes.
  • Bio: To come
  • email: to come
  • Co-supervised with Julia Riley (Mount Allison)
  • Allen Tian (Ph.D. 2020). Working thesis title: Exploring interactions between mollusk and phytoplankton community structure and species richness with eDNA metabarcoding.
  • Bio: Allen is a PhD student (expected completion date: August 2024). His current research involves using a novel multi-taxa environmental DNA toolkit to monitor the biodiversity of the Rideau Canal, Lake Ontario, and St. Lawrence River. He is broadly interested in the impact of invasive species on food webs and ecosystems, particularly on the biodiversity of native taxa. His PhD project examines the impact of invasive mollusks and overall mollusk diversity on the phytoplankton assemblage and on cross trophic level interactions. In addition to his research, Allen is interested in material sciences, maker culture, 3D design and printing, photography, and community science.
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  • Co-supervised with Yu-xiang Wang


Visiting Researcher

  • Wenxi Feng Working to develop new tools (eDNA, acoustic, high-resolution photography) for monitoring bird migration through Dongtan Reserve on Chongming Island, China.
  • BIO: To come.
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  • Wenxi is a postdoctoral fellow at Tongji University co-advised by Jianfu Zhao and Wenwei Ren (WWF China) in collaboration with Yuxiang Wang (Queen’s).


Undergraduate Thesis and Mentorship Students

  • Mat Chatelein (BSc Hons in Environmental Biology). Thesis focus: Biotic and abiotic factors influencing chytrid fungus detections in Eastern Ontario.
  • BIO: I am currently completing my undergraduate degree in Environmental Biology at Queen’s University. As part of my 4th year I am undertaking an undergraduate thesis project in the Lougheed lab using eDNA and qPCR techniques to detect invasive chytrid fungus in aquatic samples. I first discovered my love for the biological world by catching frogs at my family cottage and playing video games like Pokémon. Areas in biology that interest me personally include ecology, agriculture, biodiversity, and education.
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  • Rachel DeCicco (BSc in Life Sciences).
  • BIO:I am currently in my third year of my undergraduate degree in Life Sciences at Queen’s University. I’m excited to learn from Dr. Lougheed and the other Lougheed lab members as I undertake various activities within the lab. Specifically, I am excited to take part in polar bear DNA extraction and genome sequencing, digital PCR work, and bioacoustics work.
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  • Zach Grant 537 undergraduate thesis student working on conservation genomics of sharp-tailed snakes
  • BIO:I am currently in my fourth year of undergraduate studies in Biology at Queen’s University. In the Lougheed lab, I am working on my honors thesis focused on conservation genomics to test the impacts of habitat loss and fragmentation in sharp-tailed snakes on Vancouver Island. My interest in biological sciences started with a fascination with the social behaviour of my two cats. This original passion, along with my undergraduate studies, have led to my interests in animal behaviour, evolution, and genetics.
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Research Associate

  • Zhengxin Sun Works with many Biology faculty and students and runs our Molecular Core Lab.
  • BIO: Zhengxin received his B.Sc. in Biochemistry from Peking University, China and M.Sc. in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology from Medical College of Ohio, Toledo, USA. He joined the Queen’s Biology Department in 2005 to run the EEB Molecular Core lab. He helps train students with molecular techniques used in ecology and evolutionary research; provides DNA genotyping and sequencing services to Biology faculty and students, and provides services/consultation in genomic library construction as well as other matters involving molecular techniques.
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  • Monica Navarette Bedolla. Assists with BearWatch and other projects
  • BIO: Monica completed her B.Sc. and M.Sc in Biology and Metallurgical Engineering, respectively, at Universidad Michoacana in Mexico. Over the last 15 years she has worked as a Lab technician in various biotech and microbiology projects in Mexico. Monica has also worked as a high school teacher, where she ran science labs. Monica is currently working as a technician on BearWatch seeking to develop a scat-based biomonitoring protocol for polar bears.
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Postdoctoral Fellows


Graduate Students

  1. Christina Tschritter (Ph.D. 2024) Mapping pathogen distributions and population connectivity of a sentinel Arctic species, the polar bear (Ursus maritimus) across a changing North American Arctic
  2. Emily Landon (MSc 2023) Quantifying polar bear diet using metabarcoding.
  3. Kristen Hayward (MSc 2022) A new Genotyping-in-thousands by sequencing (GT-seq) assay for polar bears (Ursus maritimus): development, validation, and applications.
  4. Sean Vanderluit (MSc 2022) Broad-scale effects of landscapes on genetic structure of polar bear populations.
  5. Hayden Wainwright (MSc 2022) Estimating the effective sizes of Canada’s polar bear populations.
  6. Peiwen Li (PhD 2022) Using genomics to quantify population structure and genetic diversity of the Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) in the Lower Northwest Passage, Nunavut, Canada.
  7. Wenxi Feng (PhD 2021) New insights on the distributions of freshwater turtles in Southern Ontario using environmental DNA
  8. Jesús Vargas Soriano (PhD – started 2017 – on leave)
  9. Chanjuan Qu (PhD Tongji University 2017-2021) Thesis title: Co-supervised by Jianfu Zhao (Tongji)
  10. Lesley Rudy (MSc 2020) Nest emergence phenology of the northern map turtle (Graptemys geographica) near its northern range limit.
  11. Nick Cairns (PhD 2019). Genetic and geographic boundaries in the spring peeper (Pseudacris crucifer) with insights into milo-nuclear discordance, reticulation, niche divergence and isolation.
  12. Meghan Britt (MSc 2020) Male advertisement calling tactics in northern and southern populations of spring peepers (Pseudacris crucifer).
  13. Matthew Macpherson (MSc 2020) Evaluating conservation strategies for a threatened population of gray ratsnakes (Pantherophis spiloides). Co-supervised by Jackie Litzgus (Laurentian)
  14. Leslie Holmes (PhD 2020). Direct and indirect effects of host food quality on host life history, host susceptibility to parasitism and parasitoid life history. Co-supervised by Bill Nelson
  15. Junjie Jin (MES 2020). Detecting the invisible: Early monitoring of cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms with quantitative PCR.
  16. Ying Chen (M.Sc. 2019) Understanding sources of variation advertisement call attributes in spring peepers (Pseudacris crucifer).
  17. Hannah Driver (M.Sc. 2019). Towards a sustainable Arctic fishery. Population genomics of lake whitefish in a hybrid species complex
  18. Danielle Beaulne (M.Sc. 2018) The importance of geospatial inputs in assessing fine-scale landscape genetic patterns of a temperate treefrog. Co-supervised with Georgia Fotopoulos (Geology & Geological Engineering)
  19. Amanda Cicchino (M.Sc. 2018). Physiological consequences and reproductive benefits of arboreal calling behaviour across the range of the spring peeper.
  20. Megan Snetsinger (M.Sc. 2018). Genetic structure and connectivity of the endangered Butler’s gartersnake (Thamnophis butleri) across the fragmented landscape of Southwestern Ontario.
  21. Michael Colley (M.Sc.  2015) The influence of mitigation structures on Sistrurus catenatus in Killbear Provincial Park. Co-supervised with Jackie Litzgis.
  22. Hayley Roberts (M.Sc. 2015) Female breeding phenology of temperate frogs in Eastern Ontario.
  23. Samantha Klaus (M.Sc. 2012). Correlates and temporal variation in call phenology of Eastern Ontario frogs.
  24. Kat Stewart (Ph.D. 2012) Contact zone dynamics and the evolution of reproductive isolation in a North American treefrog, the spring peeper (Pseudacris crucifer).
  25. Nicola Banger (M.Sc. 2012). Thesis Title: Consequences of multiple paternity for female fitness in an Ontario population of northern map turtles, Graptemys geographica. Co-supervised with Gabriel Blouin-Demers (Ottawa)
  26. Leonardo Campagna (Ph.D. 2012. Principle Supervisor Pablo Tubaro. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales “Bernadino Rivadavia”, Buenos Aires). Evolución de una radiación reciente en el género Sporophila (Aves, Passeriformes).
  27. Amanda Xuereb (M.Sc. 2012) Characterizing population genetic structure and inferring the influence of landscape features on gene flow in a temperate snake species.
  28. Jeff Row (Ph.D. 2011) Testing for the imprint of historical and contemporary processes on genetic and ecological diversity of eastern foxsnakes across multiple spatial scales.
  29. Gabriela Ibarguchi (Ph.D. 2011). Biogeography and diversification of Andean seedsnipes (Thinocoridae): An Antarctic avian lineage? Co-supervised with Vicki Friesen
  30. Markus Dyck (Ph.D. candidate) Research focus: foraging ecology and bioenergetics in temporally and spatially heterogeneous landscapes. Withdrew to serve as the head polar bear biologist for Nunavut. Co-supervised with W. Nelson
  31. Amy Chabot (Ph.D. 2010) The Impact of migration on the evolution and conservation of an endemic North American passerine: Loggerhead Shrike (Lanius ludovicianus).
  32. Michelle DiLeo (M.Sc. 2010) The influence of landscape on genetic structure of a threatened reptile. The eastern massasauga rattlesnake.
  33. Alex Little (M.Sc. 2009 – co-supervised with C. Moyes) Evolution of oxidative metabolism in fishes.
  34. Kathryn Elmer (Ph.D. 2006). Genetic diversity across spatial and evolutionary scales in some neotropical amphibians.
  35. Briar Howes (Ph.D. 2006). Genetic and ecological analysis of a species’ range.
  36. Laura Nagel (Ph.D. 2006) Evolutionary divergence in a common ectoparasite of coral reef fishes. (Primary supervisor Bob Montgomerie).
  37. Daria Koscinski (M.Sc. 2003) The relative importance of geographic isolation vs. ecological gradients in diversification of an Andean treefrog, Hyla andina.
  38. Anne Dalziel (M.Sc. 2003). Evolution of aerobic energy metabolism in high performance fish: origins of variation in mitochondrial content. Co-supervised with C. Moyes.
  39. James Austin (Ph.D. 2003). Multi-scale perspectives on the genetic structure of a widespread amphibian, the North American Bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana. Co-supervised with P. Boag
  40. Emily Croteau (M.Sc. 2002). Conservation genetics of northern populations of a declining songbird, the Brewer’s Sparrow (Spizella breweri breweri) in a fragmented landscape. Co-supervised with P. Boag
  41. Mary Vallianatos (M.Sc. 1999). Conservation genetics and population structure of the Loggerhead Shrike (Lanius ludovicianus) in Central and Eastern North America. Co-supervised with P. Boag.


Undergraduate Thesis & Mentorship Students

  1. Lena Campos (B.Sc. Honours. 2022) Thesis title: Validation of environmental DNA metabarcoding surveys for identifying critical habitats of five at-risk freshwater turtle species.
  2. Jenna Shannon (B.Sc. Honours. 2022) Thesis title: Testing possibilities for using eDNA metabarcoding to quantify avian diversity in freshwater ecosystems.
  3. Alyssa Reynolds (B.Sc. Honours. 2022) Thesis title: The impacts of climate change on anuran spring calling phenology in eastern Ontario.
  4. Andreea Bocicariu (Mentorship. 2021) Project: Using reduced representation genomic sequencing in conservation.
  5. Arjun Augustine (B.Sc. Honours. 2021) Thesis title: Investigating genetic differentiation between mainland and island populations of watersnakes (Nerodia sipedon).
  6. Darcey Pearson (B.Sc. Honours. 2021) Thesis title: Testing the genetic distinctiveness of the Pelee Island Blue Racer (Coluber constrictor foxii) from mainland populations
  7. Meghan Ewing (B.Sc. Honours. 2020) Thesis title: You are what you eat. Comparing blood parasite presence across genera of snakes with different life histories.
  8. Kestrel DeMarco (ENSC B.Sc. Honours. 2020) Thesis title: Assessing the usefulness of DNA barcoding at biological field stations.
  9. Hannah Ross (B.Sc. Honours. 2020) Thesis title: Plenty of Fish in the Sea? First Steps Towards De Novo Assembly of a Whitefish Genome (Coregonus clupeaformis).
  10. Hannah Sachs (Mentorship. 2019) Project: An informative, cost-effective SNP genotyping-by-sequencing assay for non-invasively collected polar bear (Ursus maritimus) fecal DNA.
  11. MK Hickox (B.Sc. Honours. 2019) Thesis title: Conservation genomics of Western (Pseudacris triseriata) and Boreal Chorus Frogs (P. maculata) in Canada.
  12. Kristen Hayward (B.Sc. Honours. 2019) Thesis title:
  13. Zoe Clarke (B.Sc. Honours. 2019) Thesis title: Evaluating the interplay between history and topography on the phylogeographic structure of the rufous-collared sparrow.
  14. Sean Vanderluit (B.Sc. Honours. 2019) Thesis title: The effects of landscape on genetic structure in a Canadian population of polar bears.
  15. Annalisa Cecutti (B.Sc. Honours. 2018) Thesis title: Genomic clines at a contact zone between nuclear lineages of the spring peeper (Pseudacris crucifer)
  16. Zoe Clarke (Mentorship student) Thesis title: Phylogenomics of rufous-collared sparrows.
  17. Daniel Gillis (B.Sc. Honours. 2018) Thesis title: Testing for fine-scale genetic structure of Largemouth Bass (Micropterus salmoides) in Lake Opinicon. Co-supervised with Rute Clemente-Carvalho
  18. Michelle Harwood (B.Sc. Honours. 2018- Co-supervised with Evelyn Jensen) Thesis title: Genetic structure of Lake Whitefish, Arctic Cisco and Sardine Cisco (Coregonus spp.) in the Lower Northwest Passage: Evidence for hybridization and mitochondrial introgression.
  19. Cora Jennings (B.Sc. Honours. 2018 – Co-supervised with Rute Clemente-Carvalho) Thesis title: Genetic structure of Lake Whitefish, Arctic Cisco and Sardine Cisco (Coregonus spp.) in the Lower Northwest Passage: Evidence for hybridization and mitochondrial introgression.
  20. Junjie Lin (B.Sc. Honours 2018 School of Environmental Studies – Co-supervised with Dan Lefebvre) Thesis title: Using environmental DNA to quantify the distribution of Microcystin-producing Microcystis in Eastern Ontario.
  21. ShuRui Li (B.Sc. Honours. 2018 School of Environmental Studies).  Thesis title: Latitudinal differences in growth rate of five fish species using otoliths for age determination. Co-supervised with Yuxiang Wang
  22. Ying Chen (B.Sc. Honours. 2017) Thesis title: Relation of chorusing intensity to temperature across latitudes of temperate frogs.
  23. Emily Drinkwater (B.Sc. Honours. 2017) Thesis title: Loggerhead shrike species distribution modelling: Where are they, where are they not, and why aren’t they there?
  24. Peiwen Li (B.Sc. Honours candidate. 2017) Thesis title: Assessing genetic population structure of Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus)
in the Lower Northwest Passage, Nunavut
  25. Louisa Kennett (B.Sc. Honours candidate. 2017) Thesis title: Phylogeography of the mink frog (Lithobates septentrionalis) and co-distributed anurans: comparing the genealogical patterns of early vs. late post-glacial colonisers.
  26. Will Twardek (B.Sc. Honours candidate. 2016) Thesis title: Fishing for answers: Do protected areas prevent the selective removal of the “best” largemouth bass dads?
  27. Austeja Vaskeviciute (B.Sc. Honours. 2015) Thesis title: Secondary contact and introgression between previously isolated populations of the spring peeper.
  28. Amanda Cicchino (B.Sc. Honours. 2015) Thesis title: Call evolution in the spring peeper.
  29. Ashley Bramwell (B.Sc. Honours. 2014) Thesis title: The implications of introgression on the speciation of crowned-sparrows (Zonotrichia atricapilla and Zonotrichia leucophrys)
  30. Carmen Gemmell (B.Sc. Honours. 2014) Thesis title: Temporal and spatial habitat partitioning among anuran species of Eastern Ontario.
  31. Henry Wang (B.Sc. Honours. 2014) Thesis title: The genetics of postglacial colonization and peripherality in northwestern populations of the spring peeper, Pseudacris crucifer.
  32. Matthew Kahansky (B.Sc. Honours candidate. 2014) Thesis title: The effect of habitat on transmission of Ontario anuran advertisement calls.
  33. Anastasia Savrova (B.Sc. Honours . 2014) Thesis title: Variation in development among wetland types of different temperate anurans.
  34. Mark Szenteczki (B.Sc. Honours . 2014) Thesis title: Using Approximate Bayesian computation to understand the distribution of genetic diversity in massasauga rattlesnakes.
  35. Melissa Lucas (B.Sc. Honours. 2014) Thesis title: Landscape genetics of spring peepers: The scale of evolutionary equilibrium in a heterogenous environment.
  36. Erica Lovett (B.Sc. Honours. 2013) Thesis title: Seasonality of variation in the clock gene in a South American sparrow. Co-supervised with V. Friesen.
  37. Janet Greenhorn (B.Sc. Honours. 2013) Thesis title: Testing the importance of freshwater islands in differentiation of temperate snakes.
  38. Emma Bothwell (B.Sc. Honours 2012) Thesis title: Secondary contact and character displacement in body size in birds. Co-supervised with P. Martin.
  39. Japteg Singh (B.Sc. Honours 2012) Thesis title: Impact of larval competition on life history attributes of the cowpea weevil. Co-supervised with W. Nelson.
  40. Rachel Wang (B.Sc. Honours 2012) Thesis title: Impact of hybridization on sperm morphology in a contact zone. Co-supervised with R. Montgomerie.
  41. Jordan Quan (B.Sc. Honours 2012) Thesis title: Gene flow, freshwater islands and genetic distinctiveness of the eastern gartersnake.
  42. Fiona Munro (B.Sc. Honours ENSC 2011) Thesis Title: A geographical perspective and analysis of research on Queen’s University Biological Station Lands: Past trends and present significance.
  43. Surbhi Jain (B.Sc. Honours 2011) Thesis Title: A study of male agonistic interactions and competitor recognition between allopatric and secondary contact populations of a temperate frog species: The spring peeper (Pseudacris crucifer).
  44. Caroline Jamison (B.Sc. Honours 2011) Thesis title: Population structure and connectivity in a small woodland snake.
  45. Louise Lam (B.Sc. Honours 2011) Thesis title: The effects of food abundance on dispersal of cowpea weevils Callosobruchus maculatus (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Co-supervised with W. Nelson.
  46. Jenna Sui (B.Sc. Honours 2011) Thesis title: Evaluating the population structure and conservation in the northern range of the prairie skink, Plestidon septentrionalis. Co-supervised with P. Rutherford (Brandon University).
  47. Aarani Sivasekarum (B.Sc. Honours 2011) Thesis title: The use of new Bayesian methods in detecting sex-biased dispersal.
  48. Cally Toong (B.Sc. Honours 2011) Thesis title: Asymmetrical gene flow at a species range limit.
  49. Dana Drumm (B.Sc. Honours – Co-supervised with Fran Bonier 2010). Research focus: Long-term population trends in tree swallows.
  50. Mari Glynn-Morris (B.Sc. Honours 2010) Research focus: the relationship between parasitism, growth rates and habitat fragmentation in eastern foxsnake.
  51. Jayda Guy (B.Sc. Honours 2010) Research focus: microhabitat selection in small temperate snakes of the genus Storeria.
  52. Cameron Hudson (B.Sc. Honours 2010) Research focus: Male calling behaviour in spring peepers.
  53. Georgia Lloyd-Smith (B.Sc. Honours 2010) Research focus: The relationship between parasitism, growth rates and habitat fragmentation in eastern foxsnakes.
  54. Amanda Xuereb (B.Sc. Honours 2010) Research focus: The relationship between parasitism, growth rates and habitat fragmentation in eastern foxsnakes.
  55. Lily Zeng (B.Sc. Honours 2010) Research focus: Landscape genetics of red-bellied snakes.
  56. Roslyn Howell (B.Sc. Honours 2009) Thesis Title: Microclimatic predictors of frog chorusing in southeastern Ontario.
  57. Stephanie Johnson (B.Sc. Honours 2009) Thesis Title: Partitioning of acoustic resource space in neotropical anuran communities.
  58. Michelle DiLeo (B.Sc. Honours 2009) Thesis Title: Comparative landscape genetics of two sympatric snake species.
  59. Krysta Andrews (B.Sc. Honours 2009. Co-supervised with Paul Martin) Thesis Title: Character displacement in the drumming of sympatric species of Campephilus woodpeckers.
  60. Laura Lockhart (B.Sc. Honours 2009. Co-supervised with Fran Bonier) Thesis Title: Body condition matters: The effects of resource availability on resource allocation patterns in tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor).
  61. Cam Robertson (B.Sc. Honours 2008) Thesis Title: Sex-biased dispersal patterns of Eastern Foxsnakes (Elaphe gloydi) in Ontario.
  62. Roz Lougheed (B.Sc. Honours 2008) Thesis Title: The relation between variation in phenotypic fitness proxies and putatively neutral DNA microsatellites in eastern foxsnakes (Elaphe gloydi).
  63. Laura King (B.Sc. Honours 2008) Thesis Title: Diversification and Phylogeography of a Northwestern Argentine toad, Melanophryniscus rubriventris (Anura: Bufonidae).
  64. Katherine McKereghan-Dares (B.Sc. Honours 2008) Thesis Title: Diversification and speciation of crowned-sparrows, genus Zonotrichia, in the New World.
  65. Chris Morrow (B.Sc. Honours 2008) with Dr. Heather Stuart (Community Health & Epidemiology) Thesis Title: Determinants of Underservicing in Southeastern Ontario’s Community Mental Health System.
  66. Katie Geale (B.Sc. Honours 2007) Thesis Title: Molecular phylogeny of sierra-finches (Phrygilus): Diversification among plumage groups in the Andes Mountains.
  67. Anita Melnyk (B.Sc. Honours 2007) Thesis Title: The effect of data partitioning on Bayesian phylogenetic inference of the Lithobates catesbeiana species group.
  68. Juliana Agostino (B.Sc. Honours 2006) Thesis Title: Effective population size and temporal changes in genetic diversity in the American bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana.
  69. Bethany Lindsay (B.Sc. Honours 2004) Thesis Title: Phylogeography of the five-lined skink, Eumeces fasciatus.
  70. Ramsey Wright (B.Sc. Honours 2004) Thesis Title: Phylogeography, life history and the genetic structure of western Amazonian anurans: A preliminary study.
  71. Julie Lee-Yaw (B.Sc. Honours 2003) Thesis Title: Habitat use and genetic population structure at fine geographic scales in a northern population of five-lined skink, Eumeces fasciatus.
  72. Daniel Liadsky (B.Sc. Honours 2003) Thesis Title: Call variation in the Andean treefrog, Hyla andina.
  73. Sarah Sharp (B.Sc. Honours 2003) Thesis Title: Phylogeographic perspectives and hybrid zone dynamics in two species of the Hyla pulchella Group.
  74. Tanya Da Sylva (B.Sc. Honours 2002) Queen’s Thesis Title: High-resolution DNA markers for the study of microgeographic genetic variation in Pseudacris crucifer (Spring Peeper).
  75. Liem Vien (B.Sc. Honours 2002) Queen’s Thesis Title: Conservation genetics of the Eastern Loggerhead Shrike. A microsatellite study.
  76. Rob Ness (B.Sc. Honours 2002) Queen’s Thesis Title: Evolution of apomictic asexual reproduction in Antennaria parlinii: a phylogenetic investigation. (Co-supervised with C. Eckert)
  77. Jennifer Gibson (B.Sc. Honours 2001) Queen’s. Thesis Title: The patterns of genetic diversity in the hybridizing toad species Bombina bombina and B. variegata.
  78. Charles Macmichael (B.Sc. Honours 2001) Queen’s. Thesis Title: Temporal changes in mitochondrial control region of Lanius ludovicianus migrans: conservation perspectives. (Co-supervised with P. Boag)
  79. Daria Koscinski (B.Sc. Honours 2000) Queen’s. Thesis Title: Historical and ecological correlates of diversification in an Amazonian frog. (Co-supervised with P. Boag)
  80. Anne Curtner (B.Sc. Honours 1998) Queen’s. Thesis Title: Sensitivity analysis for tests of rates of phenotypic change: selection and drift in model systems. (Co-supervised with P. Boag)
  81. Lindsey Neidrauer (B.Sc. Honours 1998) Queen’s. Thesis Title: Phylogeography of a North American tree frog, Pseudacris crucifer. (Co-supervised with P. Boag)
  82. Cathryn Abbott (B.Sc. Honours 1997) Queen’s. Thesis Title: Using microsatellites to determine the population structure of Noisy Miners (Manorina melanocephala). (Co-supervised with P. Boag)
  83. Bev Bateman (B.Sc. Honours 1996) Queen’s. Thesis Title: Phylogeny of anemonefishes inferred from mitochondrial DNA sequences: a perspective on the evolution of host specificity. (Co-supervised with P. Boag)
  84. Kylie Tanner (B.Sc. Honours 1996) Queen’s. Thesis Title: An enigmatic neotropical frog: can 16S rRNA gene sequence data resolve evolutionary affinities? (Co-supervised with P. Boag)
  85. Tanya Shaw (B.Sc. Honours 1995) Queen’s. Thesis Title: MtDNA control region sequence variation in two geographically restricted songbirds: a pilot study. (Co-supervised with P. Boag)
  86. Michael Warbeck (B.Sc. Honours 1995) Queen’s. Thesis Title: Postglacial history of a South American songbird as inferred by mitochondrial cytochrome b sequence data. (Co-supervised with P. Boag)
  87. Azilah Kazim (B.Sc. Honours 1992) Brock. Thesis Title: Strategies for conservation of biodiversity: large versus small reserves.
  88. Ellen Olsen (B.Sc. Honours 1992) Brock. Thesis Title: Ecological correlates of plumage variation in northwestern Argentine populations of the Rufous-collared Sparrow, Zonotrichia capensis.
  89. Stephen Yezerinac (B.Sc. Honours 1991) Western Ont. Thesis Title: Measurement error and morphometric studies: an assessment of statistical power and the effect of observer experience using avian skeletons. (Co-supervised with P. Handford)


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